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Why basics in Kizomba and Urbankiz are essential?

Kizomba and Urbankiz have a unique connection (I'm not talking about intimacy here), rhythm, and set of techniques that are different from other dance styles. It’s not just about knowing the steps; it’s about understanding the language of the dance. To communicate effectively with your partner, you need to master the fundamentals of leading and following in THIS specific style.

In our classes, we focus on these fundamentals because they are the foundation for everything else. Skipping these steps could lead to misunderstandings on the dance floor and slower your progress in truly grasping the essence of Kizomba and Urbankiz. By starting from the beginning, you’ll develop the skills and understanding necessary to become an advanced dancer.

Stop wasting time by focusing on choreographies you gonna forget immediately, start learning in smart way and developing your skills and knowledge gradually!

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